• La Nineta dels Ulls, the solidarity challenge that came in 4th place on the solidarity podium of the 2023 edition, stars in ther episode 3 of Solidàriament Parlant 2024.

  • The solidarity aspect of the Vueling Cursa Bombers Barcelona grows year after year, largely thanks to the solidarity challenges promoted by Bombers Solidaris on the Migranodearena platform.

Today we meet ‘La Nineta dels Ulls’, and the Barcelona Firefighters who supported their challenge in the Vueling Cursa Bombers Barcelona 2023, and who achieved the 4th position on the solidarity podium.

The monthly content ‘Solidàriament Parlant’ area series of short interviews to the protagonists of the first 5 challenges of the solidarity podium of last year’s race.

La Nineta dels Ulls’ raised 3.000€. A figure that was made possible thanks to donations to the migranodearena platform, donations from runners’ registrations and also to the donation of 600€ from Caixabank.


La Nineta dels Ulls

Joan Bes, from the Barcelona Fire Department to the Parc de Sant Andreu, and one of the promoters of the challenge, says: “It’s hard to run a race like this, with the firefighters’ work equipment that we have to carry. But once you’ve finished it’s gratifying to see that it’s for a good cause.”

AndJoan Carles Castillo, co-founder of La Nineta dels Ulls, a non-profit association for the research and dissemination of retinoblastoma.Retinoblastoma is a minority malignancy, in fact it is the most frequent ocular cancer in children under six years of age”.

You can watch the full video here.


La Nineta dels Ulls

While waiting for the next episode of Solidàriament Parlant, you can take a look at the first episode with the winning challenge: Corremos por Villavecchia y el Cáncer Infantil

And the second challenge Muévete por los que no pueden.