In one more year, thousands of runners will have the opportunity to enjoy our great city with one of the most beloved bodies, the Firefighters of Barcelona. The Vueling Cursa Bombers Barcelona running race will once again offer participants and companions a unique and spectacular experience that will be the starting touch of this energetic sports morning.

The tasks of the volunteers will be very diverse, and all of them are essential for the proper functioning of the event and for it to become a success. They also contribute added value with their attention, both to popular runners and to the elite.

These are the tasks you can carry out:

  • Management of the runner’s Fair with the delivery of bibs and t-shirts commemorating its 25th anniversary.

  • Departure boxes and arrival devices on Marquès d’Argentera Avenue

  • Hydration stations for water and isotonic drinks at kilometer point 5 and the end of the race

  • Bags drop-off