- The solidarity challenges of the Vueling Fire Race, the only race with two podiums, are returning: sports and solidarity
- CaixaBank joins the challenges as the new social partner of this race edition
- You can already find all challenges on the web de migranodearena
After meeting the winning challenges of the Vueling Cursa Bombers Barcelona last year with the content of .solidaria parlant’, the 24th edition of the Race returns with more solidarity challenges in which you can participate through Mi Grano De Arena.
These are the challenges of the current edition:
Apoya a Bombers Solidaris y SILO en la Construcción de Jardines de Infancia en Guinea Bissau
Inscríbete en la próxima Cursa de Bomberos de Barcelona el 22 de octubre, por tan solo 5 euros, estarás apoyando directamente a la ONG SILO
La lucha contra la endometriosis
Demos más visibilidad a esta enfermedad y consigamos fondos económicos para su investigación
Més experiències i Més oportunitats
Mitjançant la pràctica de l’activitat física i la interacció amb altres persones, volem facilitar que ampliïn la seva xarxa social
El torn C de Llevant contra el retinoblastoma infantil
Correm per recollir fons per la “Fundació la Nineta dels Ulls”, que treballa en la investigació contra el retinoblastoma infantil
Apagant el foc de l’estigma
Ajuda a Bombers Solidaris en el seu repte solidari de la Cursa de Bombers 2023! Contribueix amb la teva donació per a la Cooperativa Metzineres
Bombers del torn E de l’Eixample per la distrofia muscular de Duchenne
Correm la Cursa Bombers per donar suport a Cors Lluitadors de Duchenne
Corremos por Villavecchia y el cáncer infantil
Correremos para hacer posible la creación del Pabellón de la Victoria donde se cuidará la vida de niños con cáncer y otras enfermedades graves
Yo correré por la investigación en enfermedades del cerebro en el Hospital del Mar
Necesitamos más horas para investigar como el deporte, el medio ambiente, el arte y la música ayudan en los problemas de salud mental
Investigación en enfermedades neurológicas
Corro para conseguir fondos para la investigación en la enfermedades neurológicas
CajaBank, Official Sponsor of the Race since 2016, reinforces his support for the event and also joins in supporting the challenges of 2023, contributing a 4.0004,000 donation. This contribution will go entirely to the solidarity podium, for the 5 winning challenges that, as usual, will be placed on the award podium of the Vueling Cursa Bombers Barcelona, with the following cast:
- 1st position: 1250€
- 2nd position: 1000€
- 3th position: 750€
- 4th position: 600€
- 5th position: 400€
White Helmet solidarity shower
Supporting fire-fighters have included a new initiative, to circumvent a white helmet from the Barcelona fire-fighter corps signed by some MotoGP pilots amongst all those registered who participate in the challenges.
How can you participate?
In doing your share you must put on “Hull Fire Lottery”. For every 5 euros of donation to the challenges, it will be counted as a draw share. The winner of the draw will be announced the week after the Vueling Cursa Bombers Barcelona through the Instagram account of bombbombersolidaris.
Envelope CaixaBank
CaixaBank is an entity with a profoundly social vocation. The entity, a benchmark in sustainable banking, maintains a service attitude towards its customers and the whole of society in general.
Promoting social action initiatives and promoting volunteering are a way of helping to respond to the challenges that society demands, while, through financial activity, the entity offers services and solutions for all types of people.
The Social Action strategy focuses on promoting actions in collaboration with the “la Caixa” Foundation, as well as other alliances that are directly promoted from CaixaBank. Thanks to its territorial capillary, the CaixaBank office network, the largest in Spain, can support the “la Caixa” Foundation in the detection of needs of local social entities.
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